


Your life is like a gift beautifully wrapped and packaged to impact individuals, families, nations and the world at large. But, it is your duty to unwrap, discover and develop yourself if you desire to make any significant impact in your world.

The big question is, Why are you living? To eat, drink and catch fun? Is it to get married and bear children? Is it to do all you can to make money and acquire all the properties available? Is it just to sleep, wake and watch the way things are going?

Friend, you are here to fulfill a clearly defined purpose. Going through life without knowing your purpose is like walking through a strange forest without a compass.

This impact-driven book unveils How to Understand Your Identity: Your Journey to Self Discovery, How to Build Character, How to Write Your Personal Mission Statement, How to Build Your Brand for Success, How to Pursue a Successful Career, How to Prepare Your Resume, and Pass that Job Interview, How to Maximize Your Talents, Mentorship: The Place of Mentors Today, etc.


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